Summer Animals
Writing Prompts

Here are 10 summer animals writing prompts you can use to ring in the season with your classroom or your own personal journal. If you enjoyed these prompts, buy the entire collection of 1,000 Writing Prompts for Seasons on Amazon.

61. While floating in the ocean, you see a big jellyfish just a few feet away! What is your next step? What would you do if you got stung and why?

62. Imagine that you are a tiny hummingbird drinking from a feeder in a beautiful garden. What would it be like to fly around so fast? What might be some dangers you would face on a daily basis? Where would you live and why?

63. Upon visiting a desert village, your family has decided to ride camels into town. What might it be like to sit atop this humped creature while moving through the sand? Would you be scared? Why or why not?

64. Summer is a wonderful time to visit the animals at the zoo. Which is your favorite animal to watch while walking through the zoo and why? What would it be like to share a cage with him or her? What would you do together and why?

65. Imagine that all humans had necks as long and tall as those of giraffes. How would our lives be different? What different kinds of clothes might we need to create? Would it be better to have our regular necks or giraffe necks and why?

66. Create a conversation between two tropical birds watching a safari of tourists taking pictures. What might the two birds have to say about the strange-looking humans and why?

67. There you are at the starting line, ready to race against a cheetah. Do you think you'd stand a chance? Why or why not? Would your chances improve if you had a bike or a car? Why or why not?

68. If you live in a warm enough climate, you likely have gnats and mosquitoes to deal with during the nights of summer. What are some dangers of these insects? What are some of the ways to avoid being bitten?

69. Some kinds of birds and elephants can have a symbiotic relationship, as the birds can get a meal from the back of an elephant and the elephants can be pest free. Do you have a symbiotic relationship with anyone in your life? If so, who is it and how do you benefit each other? If not, imagine life as one of these elephant-friendly birds and write about your day.

70. The animals of summer can be very different from town to town. What are some of summer animals in your area and how do they interact with humans?

Did you enjoy these summer animals writing prompts? Buy a book full of seasonal writing prompts today!

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    Written by Bryan Cohen

    Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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