Summer Writing Prompts #2

Here are 10 summer writing prompts you can use to ring in the season with your classroom or your own personal journal. If you enjoyed these prompts, buy the entire collection of 1,000 Writing Prompts for Seasons on Amazon.

91. What is your most memorable summer experience? Why does this memory stick out so much? What could have made it even more distinct and why?

92. As you get older, what are some of the things you'll be able to do during the summer that you can't do now? Would you want to do those things as soon as possible? Why or why not?

93. Imagine that you could create your perfect backyard pool, full of all the pool games and toys you could ever want. Describe everything about this ideal pool. Why would you enjoy it so much?

94. You have finally made it to the front of the line for the tallest and scariest waterslide in the world. How do you feel as you get ready to jump in? What do you feel like as you speedily propel forward?

95. How would summer be different for the following individuals and why: firefighter, ice cream man, costumed baseball team mascot, and dog?

96. Create a made-up story using the following words: heat wave, air conditioning, bubbly, and laughter.

97. There are many different kinds of summer camps from soccer camp to cooking camp. If you could attend one camp, even an imaginary one, what would it be and why? What would your three favorite activities be there and why?

98. One of the first summer jobs for many teenagers is as a counselor at a camp. Do you think you'd enjoy being a counselor? Why or why not? What would you enjoy the most about leading a bunch of kids through some fun summer games and why?

99. Your family is going on a long summer hike and you've brought dozens of ways to cool you all down if you get too hot. What are the top three things you've packed to keep yourselves cool? Which one is the best and why?

100. You are a dry blade of grass during the dog days of summer. What kind of things might you be thinking about and why? How would you feel if it started to drizzle and why?

Did you enjoy these summer writing prompts? Buy a book full of seasonal writing prompts today!

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    Written by Bryan Cohen

    Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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