141. How did the beach get so sandy? Write a mythical origin story to explain where the sand came from and how and why it ended up at all the beaches.
142. Write a story using the following words: surfer, lemonade, convertible, and sunscreen.
143. Create a conversation between two basketball players playing a sweaty summer game on a steamy blacktop court. Do they have enough energy and hydration to keep going? Why or why not?
144. Craft a poem about a dog jumping into a swimming pool to keep cool. Will it get in trouble for this necessary evil? Why or why not?
145. You are opening a tiny lemonade and homemade ice cream shop a few blocks away from your house. Write down everything that you plan to put on your advertising flyers. How will this information get the customers to your front door?
146. Describe a summer-themed app or computer game that people could play to pass the time. What is the goal of the game? What would make gamers play it over and over again?
147. Write a song about a kid holding an empty ice cream cone after his tasty treat fell onto the ground. How does this unfortunate event make him feel and why?
148. Create an idea for a television show set during the summer. Where does the story take place, what are the themes of the show, and what would the first episode of the show be about?
149. Write a text message, e-mail, or letter to a friend about your wild and crazy summer vacation. What would be the highlight of the message and why?
150. You've received a message from your future self about the summer after you go to college. What does the summer message say and why? Is it a warning or something else?Use the above prompts or article as inspiration to write a story or other short piece.