This is the first in a series of free previews of my new book, 500 Writing Prompts for Kids: First Grade through Fifth Grade. These free writing prompts for kids target first memories involving their friends, parents and other events that are noteworthy. Kids don't have a ton of experience to draw from, but by pulling what they can from the events they do remember, this will help them to build up their memories for future writing. In addition, first graders, second graders, third graders and so on will have fun talking about their most important achievements and activities to date.
Free Writing Prompts for Kids: Firsts
1. What is the first thing you remember in your whole life? What happened that made it so memorable? Try to describe it in as much detail as possible.
2. Who was your first friend and why? Talk about the first time you two met and why you were such great pals!
3. Do you remember your first day of school ever? What was the school like and what did you feel like when you walked in? Were you scared? Were you confident? Talk about your whole first day from beginning to end.
4. Write a little story about a little boy or girl going to the doctor or dentist for the first time. How is this little boy or girl’s doctor or dentist visit different from the first time you went? Which of you was braver? Which of you was healthier?
5. What is the first thought you remember having this morning? Was it something good or bad? Write about waking up this morning and what you did when you first had that thought.
6. How did you feel the day you first learned to tie your shoes, ride a bike or make your bed? Did you feel like you’d done something really great? Were your parents proud of you? Talk about the whole day including if you got any rewards for doing such a good job.
7. Write a story about winning something like a race, a karate tournament, a school science fair or anything at all. It doesn’t matter if you’ve never won something, just imagine that you did win and how it would feel. Describe everything from the cheering crowd to how you felt about it.
8. In 1969, Neil Armstrong was the first person to walk on the moon. What do you want to be the first person to do? Run a 3 minute mile? Eat 1,000 hot dogs? Write a story about being the first person to do whatever it is you want to do!
9. Talk about the first time you ever went on vacation with your family or friends. Did you get to see some exciting sights and sounds? Write about the whole experience with as many details as possible.
10. Did your parents ever tell you what your first word was? Whether they have or not, write a story about the day you said that amazing first word from your parents’ point of view. What do you think they felt like after hearing your voice for the first time?
Notes: These free writing prompts for kids work well as a "getting to know you" activity at the beginning of the year or for any time at all. These are also great to share with parents during a conference of some kind. Feel free to adapt them however you see fit for your kids or for your classroom.
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Free Creative Writing Prompts #70: Second Grade
Free Creative Writing Prompts #71: Third Grade
Free Creative Writing Prompts #69: First Grade
Done with Firsts? Go back to Creative Writing Prompts.
Use the above prompts or article as inspiration to write a story or other short piece.